Saturday, June 30, 2007

Some of the HOT Jobs this week

Last fortnight has seen some desperate deadlines-and hence the irregularity in postings!

As a recruiter one gets to work a lot of assignment at the same- and so most often it is quite taxing to juggle the schedules. Personally, I try to follow the following order :

-topmost priority to assignments where I have been retained for a search. For obvious reasons I am answerable to the deadlines and sensitivities of the client- and at most times, these are confidential positions.

-these are some serious clients, who have indicated their faith in us, and while paying us a monthly retainer fee, gives us mandates that occasionally need me to attend to -on a urgent basis. Some of the positions are niche skills, and so hard to get-and so are perennial in nature. Naturally, I would need to spend a substantial time on these too.

-Positions some of the associates, both members of Executive Recruiters Association (ERA) and otherwise- who are working on some senior level management positions that need urgent attention! Some of them would be looking at 'returning Indian" professionals and so wd need a decent amount of attention -trying to match the aspirations, availability and confirmations!!

-then ofcourse, there are innumerable mandates we recieve almost on a daily basis- which are contigency we get paid only on succesful hires. These are the most challenging -as speed, accuracy, relationship management-are all equally important- and more so, by the sheer volume of it. Filling up of these positions is dependent on the network we have!! Most often, it isnt the best person who gets the is the right person at the right place!!

So, you can imagine, one is constantly trying to -as one reads a mail/resume, trying to slot each resume..into one of the above four -and accordingly utilising our time!!

Well, here are the top jobs of this particular order, I must quip!!Please feel free to reach out, and I shall be glad to provide more info!!

Head HR Infrastructure Company @Mumbai

Practice Manager -Telecom support @Chennai

Head Projects -Infrastructure company @Hyderabad

Leadership Positions -Telecom company@Bangalore

Product Manager-industrial products MNC@Bangalore

Sales Manager(Key accounts) Industrial products@Bangalore

Project Manager-MNC product@Hyderabad

Station Heads across Andhra Pradesh for FM Radio company

Business Head-regional for Infrastructure industry

Structural Engineering/Analysis professionals@Bangalore

Plant Breeders-MNC firm@Bangalore

General Manager/COO for a software ERP major in a niche industry

You can be assured -should you reach out me, I will surely be attending to you-the above is the order!!

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